SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic, July 13, 2024.- The ten coaches participating in the XVII Pan American Men’s Volleyball Cup commented on their expectations during the preliminary meeting before starting to compete on Sunday in the “Ricardo Arias” National Volleyball Pavilion of the Juan Olympic Center Pablo Duarte.
Andy Read, United States: I think it is an extremely strong tournament and in an Olympic year, there are 10 well-prepared teams here so the United States will have some very competitive matches in this event that is very well organized, and we are very excited to be here.

Mario Izquierdo, Cuba: The Cuban team brings great expectations after not having qualified for the Olympic Games, we began our preparation for the other Olympic Games and this tournament marks the beginning of our new Olympic cycle, that is why we are giving the possibility to athletes of a second line so that they can be in the not too distant future in the national team for the upcoming international events that we have.

Carlos Schwanke, Mexico: We have high expectations, there are several games that are going to make it difficult for us but the more time we spend on the court the better it will be since we have new guys who need to raise the level, that is the first objective here in this tournament.

Glenn Hoag, Canada: I think it’s going to be a very interesting tournament for us, the group we brought is the next generation of Team Canada so they will have the opportunity to compete with highly competitive teams and I think it’s going to be a great learning opportunity.

José Gutierrez, Dominican Republic: Expectations are good for this tournament because we are going with the full team as we would have wanted in Puerto Rico where we couldn’t have it, so we are going to fight to stay in a good place.

Carlos Goicochea, Peru: We have prepared well, we bring a mix of young and veteran players, and we have high expectations even though we have not participated in any tournament for a year, but the most important thing is to see how the athletes perform since our sights is set for 2027 so this tournament is very good for us because there are high quality teams here.

Reider Lucas, Guatemala: We know that it is a high-level event, one of the best played on the continent, we know that there are teams that come with their second group but what we want is for the boys to play and have a good result and try to do the best possible in this event.

Felipe Ozorio, Colombia: Our country comes with great expectations after coming from some very interesting Pan American Games in our performance and our result, now we are trying to incorporate new players so that they acquire the experience of the veterans and I hope that we can be among the first four places in this Pan American Cup.

Alberto Torres, Puerto Rico: The first thing we want is to maintain the level at which we have been playing since the last competition and of course try to win a medal. We believe that we have the group for that. We have had continuity since last summer and we believe that we have a chance to be among the top three in this event.

Daniel Nejamkin, Chile: This is the second tournament we have played in the year so we come with little preparation, without a doubt that for us the Pan American Cup is a very important tournament, we understand that our pool is complicated with the United States, Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico, so we expect the best performance in the first games to aspire to reach the medal zone.