Ultimas Noticias

San Cristóbal y Nieves avanza a las semifinales después de vencer a Santa Lucía

ROAD TOWN, Tortola. October 14, 2023. - St. Kitts and Nevis are through to the semifinal of the ECVA U23 Male Championship, after defeating St. Lucia in four sets, in match 15,. The two teams have been perennial rivals and the pool B match produced anxious moments, exceptional defense and commendable offence. The final score was 26 28, 25 14, 25 23 and 25 18. St. Kitts and Nevis boast an unblemished record in their four matches.

Dominica asegura su lugar en las semifinales con una victoria sobre Anguila

ROAD TOWN, Tortola. October 14, 2023. - Dominica formally secured their spot in the semifinal of the Eastern Caribbean Volleyball Association (ECVA) U23 Male Championship after victory over Anguilla in their pool A clash. Dominica won all four matches that they played. The final scores were 25 19, 25 13 and 25 19.

Estadounidenses Hughes/Cheng y Nuss/Kloth se enfrentarán en las Semifinales

TLAXCALA, México, 13 de octubre de 2023.- Las semifinales femeninas del Campeonato Mundial de Voleibol Playa de la FIVB 2023 contarán con un duelo estadounidense y una batalla entre dúos de Brasil y Australia el sábado en Tlaxcala. Los enfrentamientos se definieron al final de la ronda de cuartos de final del torneo en México, el viernes.

Trevor Crabb y Theo Brunner avanzan a las semifinales

TLAXCALA, Mexico, October 13, 2023.- Trevor Crabb and Theodore Brunner of the United States beat Brazilians Pedro Solberg and Gustavo 'Guto' Carvalhaes on Friday to make it into the men’s semifinals of the 2023 FIVB Beach Volleyball World Championship.

Cropper de San Vicente y Las Granadinas brilla en la victoria sobre Antigua y Barbuda

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, 13 de octubre de 2023.- San Vicente y Las Granadinas dejaron en claro que tienen la mira puesta en conseguir un lugar en la ronda semifinal del Campeonato Sub-23 Masculino de la Asociación de Voleibol del Caribe del Este (ECVA) con una convincente victoria sobre Antigua y Barbuda. Los vencedores ganaron por un marcador de 25-14, 25-13, 25-16.

Islas Vírgenes Británicas supera a Granada en emocionante maratón de cinco sets

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, October 13, 2023. - Hosts British Virgin Islands won a thrilling five set encounter against Grenada to keep their hopes of moving out of pool (B) play alive. The final attack from the BVI that drizzled past the Grenada block, then dropping to the ground, sent the Multi-Purpose Sports Complex into a frenzy. The final scores were 17-25, 26-24, 22-25, 25-22 and 17 15.

Tercera victoria para San Cristóbal y Nieves, sin ceder un set

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, October 13, 2023. - St. Kitts and Nevis have secured their third win at the ECVA U23 Male Championship. The win  in match 12  of the championship, also guarantees their advancing out of pool play. Victory came at the expense of Saba. It also means that St. Kitts and Nevis have won all their matches (pool A) without conceding a set. On the flip side, Saba are still seeking their first victory.

Dominica primero en alcanzar tres victorias en Sub-23 Masculino ECVA

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, October 13, 2023. -  Dominica is the first to three wins in the Eastern Caribbean Volleyball Association (ECVA) U23 Male Championship. They rallied from one set down to claim victory over St. Maarten, in match 11 of the championship.

San Cristóbal y Nieves suma su segunda victoria con una lluvia de saques ganadores

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, 13 de octubre de 2023. - Los jugadores de San Cristóbal y Nieves combinaron diecisiete (17) saques ganadores para registrar su segunda victoria consecutiva y vencer a Antigua y Barbuda en sets consecutivos, en el partido 10, en el Complejo Deportivo Multiusos. San Cristóbal y Nieves dominó desde el principio para vencer a su rival del grupo B en el Campeonato Masculino Sub-23 de la ECVA.


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