Ultimas Noticias

Kloth/Nuss ganan plata en Brasilia

BRASILIA, Brasil, 6 de mayo de 2024 - Taryn Kloth y Kristen Nuss de Estados Unidos ganaron la medalla de plata en el Elite 16 Beach Volleyball Pro Tour en Brasilia durante el fin de semana.

Simo y Van Winkle (USA), Campeonas de la segunda fase del Tour Norceca de Playa

VARADERO, Cuba, May 5, 2024 - Americans Savannah Simo and Abby Van Winkle clinched the gold medal in the second phase of the 2024 NORCECA Beach Volleyball Tour by defeating Puerto Ricans Allanis Navas and María González 2-1 (21-14, 17-21, 15-12).

Drost y Caldwell reinaron en arenas de Varadero en Tour NORCECA de Playa

VARADERO, Cuba, May 5, 2024 - Avery James Drost and Cody Caldwell, from the United States, reigned on the sands of this resort by defeating the host top pair of Jorge Luis Alayo and Noslen Díaz 2-0 (21-13, 22-20) in the men's grand final of the NORCECA Beach Volleyball Tour.

En Varadero se repetirá la historia de semifinales femeninas de Güibia

VARADERO, Cuba, May 4, 2024 - The four pairs that advanced to the women’s semifinals of the second phase of the 2024 NORCECA Beach Volleyball Tour are an exact replica of those who starred in this round a month ago at the Güibia venue on the Malecón in Santo Domingo.

United States, Cuba, and Puerto Rico advance to men's semifinals

VARADERO, Cuba, May 4, 2024 - United States, Cuba, and Puerto Rico have advanced to the semifinals of the second phase of the 2024 NORCECA Beach Volleyball Tour, which concludes this Sunday in this renowned tourist destination.

Favoritas se imponen en Varadero en primera jornada del Circuito NORCECA

VARADERO, Cuba, May 3, 2024 - The top favorites to contend for the podium in the second phase of the 2024 NORCECA Beach Volleyball Tour got off to a strong start in the beginning of the group elimination stage, taking place on the courts at the Barceló Arenas Blancas hotel.

Drost/Caldwell y Alayo/Díaz invictos en inicio del Tour Norceca de Playa

VARADERO, Cuba, May 3, 2024 - James Drost and Cody Caldwell (USA-2) and Jorge Luis Alayo and Noslen Diaz (Cuba-1) went undefeated through in the group elimination round in the opening day of the second phase of the 2024 NORCECA Beach Volleyball Tour at the attractive venue of this international resort.

Hailley y DeBerg (EE.UU) esperan en Varadero repetir triunfo en Circuito de Playa

VARADERO, Cuba, 2 de mayo de 2024.- Las estadounidenses Hailey Harward-Kylie Kuyava-DeBerg esperan subir a lo más alto del podio en la segunda fase del Circuito Norceca de Voleibol de Playa 2024, tal y como lo hicieron en la apertura en abril pasado en arenas dominicanas.

Extensa jornada varonil en Varadero abre segunda fase del Circuito Norceca

VARADERO, Cuba, 3 de mayo de 2024.- La segunda fase del Circuito Norceca de Voleibol de Playa 2024 arrancó en este balneario internacional con un extenso programa que incluye en la rama varonil 15 partidos en inicio de la ronda eliminatoria por grupos.


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