Ultimas Noticias

Casi 25Mil personas acuden a la primera semana de acción

COLUMBUS, Ohio / FRISCO, Texas - The first three matches are in the books and the fans have turned out in droves during the first week of competition for Pro Volleyball Federation. In three matches, nearly 25,000 fans attended the action for the premier women’s volleyball league in North America.

Primer Partido de la Federación Profesional de Voleibol Establece Récord de Asistencia

OMAHA, Nebraska, January 2024 - The first match has been played and the first record has been broken as 11,624 fans filled the CHI Center in Omaha for the first match in Pro Volleyball Federation history on Wednesday January 24. The attendance mark from the contest between the Atlanta Vibe and Omaha Supernovas sets a record for a women’s professional volleyball match in the United States.

Increíble Apertura Nacional de Voleibol en Trinidad y Tobago

Sábado, 20 de enero de 2024.- La Federación de Voleibol de Trinidad y Tobago inauguró el Campeonato Nacional de Voleibol con el Campeonato U15 de Niñas en el salón de la Escuela Secundaria Aranguez North en Aranguez.

Se inauguran Cursos Continentales de Árbitros

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, January 19, 2024. - With the participation of 18 Indoor Volleyball referees and 10 Beach Volleyball referees, the continental referee courses were inaugurated at the Olympic housing facilities in Puerto Rico and the Beach Volleyball courts in the city of Guayama.

Equipos Nacionales de Voleibol de Playa de Canadá 2024

TORONTO, Ontario, January 19, 2024.- Volleyball Canada’s 2024 National Beach Volleyball Team includes the world’s number four-ranked duo of Melissa Humana-Paredes and Brandie Wilkerson. Rounding out the senior carded athletes are two-time Olympian Sarah Pavan (who plays on the tour with Molly McBain) and 2022 World silver medalist Sophie Bukovec, who plays on the tour with Heather Bansley, another two-time Olympian.

Apasionantes Duelos Listos Con la Publicación del Calendario de Partidos de la VNL 2024

Los equipos más destacados del planeta se enfrentarán en el último gran evento antes de los Juegos Olímpicos de París, del 14 de mayo al 30 de junio.

2024 en la Mira: Campeonatos Mundiales Sub-19 de Voleibol de Playa y Sub-17 de Voleibol Programados para 2024

China será sede de los Campeonatos Mundiales Sub-19 de Voleibol de Playa de la FIVB, mientras que los anfitriones de los primeros Campeonatos Mundiales Sub-17 de Voleibol de la FIVB serán anunciados próximamente.

Nelson Ramírez apuesta por un exitoso plan del Centro Regional de Desarrollo

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic, January 19, 2024. - Professor Nelson Ramírez, Director of the NORCECA-FIVB Regional Volleyball Development Center in the Dominican Republic, expresses confidence in a successful plan of activities for the Center in 2024.

Centro Regional de Desarrollo inicia cursos Arbitraje en Puerto Rico

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, January 18, 2024. - The NORCECA-FIVB Regional Volleyball Development Center will begin the continental courses for indoor and beach volleyball referees this Friday in San Juan, Puerto Rico, with the participation of representatives from ten countries.


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