Ultimas Noticias

Dominica primero en alcanzar tres victorias en Sub-23 Masculino ECVA

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, October 13, 2023. -  Dominica is the first to three wins in the Eastern Caribbean Volleyball Association (ECVA) U23 Male Championship. They rallied from one set down to claim victory over St. Maarten, in match 11 of the championship.

San Cristóbal y Nieves suma su segunda victoria con una lluvia de saques ganadores

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, 13 de octubre de 2023. - Los jugadores de San Cristóbal y Nieves combinaron diecisiete (17) saques ganadores para registrar su segunda victoria consecutiva y vencer a Antigua y Barbuda en sets consecutivos, en el partido 10, en el Complejo Deportivo Multiusos. San Cristóbal y Nieves dominó desde el principio para vencer a su rival del grupo B en el Campeonato Masculino Sub-23 de la ECVA.

Segunda victoria en igual número de juegos para Dominica

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, October 13, 2023.  -- Dominica overwhelmed host British Virgin Islands in three straight sets to add another victory to their tally. The match 8 win was the culminating match of day 2 at the Eastern Caribbean Volleyball Association (ECVA) U23 Male Championship. The final scores were 25 13, 25 7 and 25 13.

Santa Lucía se recupera con una victoria en sets consecutivos sobre Saba

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, October 13, 2023. -- St. Lucia recovered from a sluggish start and trading points with Saba to register a straight sets victory. The match nine (9) victory for St. Lucia, at the Eastern Caribbean Volleyball Association (ECVA) U23 Male Championship was their first of the tournament, putting their record to one win and won loss. Team Saba is now resigned to two losses.

San Vincente y las Granadinas gana emocionante enfrentamiento en Tortola

ROAD TOWN, Tortola. October 13, 2023. -- St. Vincent and the Grenadines downed their neighbours St. Lucia in a five set thriller, at the Multi-Purpose Sports Complex yesterday, October 12. The pool B clash was match seven (7) of the Eastern Caribbean Volleyball Association (ECVA) U23 Male Championship.

Canadá y dos equipos de Estados Uniodos avanzan a Cuartos de Final en Mujeres

TLAXCALA, México, 12 de octubre de 2023.- Kloth/Nuss, Hughes/Cheng de Estados Unidos y Melissa/Brandie de Canadá avanzaron a los cuartos de final femeninos del Campeonato Mundial de Voleibol de Playa de la FIVB 2023 después de que se completara la Ronda de 16 en cuatro ciudades mexicanas el jueves.

Ambos dúos de Estados Unidos en hombres alcanzan los Cuartos de Final

TLAXCALA, México, 12 de octubre de 2023.- Theo Brunner/Trevor Crabb y Miles Partain/Andy Benesh de Estados Unidos avanzaron a los cuartos de final masculinos del Campeonato Mundial de Voleibol de Playa de la FIVB 2023 tras ganar sus partidos de la Ronda de 16 el jueves.

Dos victorias en un día para St. Maarten

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, October 12, 2023.- It is two wins in one day for St. Maarten at the Eastern Caribbean Volleyball Association (ECVA) U23 Male Championship. Both wins came on day 2 of competition for the pool A team.

Un comienzo victorioso para Antigua y Barbuda

ROAD TOWN, Tortola. October 12, 2023.  -Antigua and Barbuda were able to overcome some stubborn resistance from Saba to win their pool B match in four (4) sets; 25-21, 18-25, 25-23 and 25-14.


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