St Lucia ends the preliminary round unblemished

ROSEAU, DOMINICA, Sept 22, 2023: St Lucia marched into with an unblemished record in Pool A of the Eastern Caribbean Volleyball Association( ECVA) Under-23 Women’s Championships, here at the Massacre Indoor Facility.

However, they were taken to the distance by a plucky, determined St Vincent and the Grenadines, but trumped 3-2 ( 25-20, 20-25, 25-19, 21-25, 15-10) .

St Lucia ended their preliminary campaign with a 4:0 win/loss ratio , while St Vincent and the Grenadines ended 2:2.

Assistant Coach of the St Lucia team- Terry Verdant, was high in praise for the St Vincent and the Grenadines team’s showing.

“ I applaud the St Vincent and the Grenadines team who brought their A game… They defended well and it is best defensive team I have seen at that age group”, Verdant admitted.

He said that despite the Vincentian showing, his team was able to hold on and kept the unbeaten record intact.

Like Verdant, Coach of the St Vincent and the Grenadines team – Eardley Martin heaped praises on the Vincentians’ display on the court.

“ My girls played their hearts out… You could not have asked for a better all -round effort… I am really proud of them, because they brought their A game”, Martin gleefully stated.

Martin agreed that his players represent the future of St Vincent and the Grenadines senior female volleyballers.

St Maarten and Saba then play in Pool A.
