141st International Olympic Committee Session extends Luis Mejía IOC Member status

MUMBAI, India, October 16, 2023.- During the 141st International Olympic Committee -IOC- Session taking place in Mumbai, India from October 15 to 17, voted to approve the extension of the terms of office for four years to Luis Mejía Oviedo, President of Centro Caribe Sports, as a Member of the IOC.

During the working Session on October 16, the Session voted to approve the extension of the terms of office for four years IOC Member Mr. Luis Mejía Oviedo, whose age limit, 70, will be reached at the end of 2023, starting from 1 January 2024 and running until the end of 2027.

The decision is due to Oviedo’s position as President of the Organization Centro Caribe Sports and to his pioneering role in promoting the Olympic Movement and its values through a national Olympic Channel.

The news of this extension of terms of office came with great joy by NORCECA President, Cristóbal Marte Hoffiz for Luis Mejia Oviedo’s valuable support to the NORCECA Confederation  in towards the development of volleyball in our Continent.

“Luis Mejía Oviedo has been an ally to our sport; his support in various initiatives that our Confederation has undertaken in recent years, even in challenging times, has been unwavering, and we congratulate the extension of his term as IOC Member, which will benefit all sports in our region” expressed Marte Hoffiz.
