San Salvador 2023 officially established

SAN SALVADOR.- The XXIV Central American and Caribbean Games, San Salvador 2023, were inaugurated under a colorful atmosphere of sporting fraternity.

The President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, welcomed each of the countries that will compete from June 23 to July 8 in the main sports event of the region.

“Welcome to El Salvador, the heart of America”, said Bukele during the opening speech of the games.

He indicated that San Salvador 2023 will serve to demonstrate the existing brotherhood between nations of Central America and the Caribbean.

He indicated that the assembly of the sports event has not been an easy task, but he pointed out that they assumed the responsibility of the assembly because it was an opportunity to show the world the change that El Salvador has had as a country.

While the President of Centro Caribe Sports, Luis Mejía Oviedo, thanked the Salvadoran people for saving and rescuing the Central American and Caribbean Games, which were affected by the economic recess caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

“President Bukele, you have given us a lesson and that is to have faith and trust in ourselves”, said Mejía Oviedo, who highlighted that every time he spoke with the Salvadoran Prime Minister, he expressed confidence and trust that the games would be a reality.

“Thank you El Salvador for saving our games. Long live the Central American and Caribbean Games,” he said.

Opening ceremony 2023 San Salvador Central American and Caribbean Games

He also took the opportunity to thank the Dominican Republic and the government of Luis Abinader, for opening the doors of the Caribbean nation to serve as a sub-venue for several sports.

Mejía Oviedo took the opportunity to congratulate each National Olympic Committee: “You have done a titanic job”.

The President of the Organizing Committee of San Salvador 2023 (COSSAN 2023), Yamil Bukele, detailed the adversities they overcame and how they remained optimistic in the face of the doubts and pessimism of many people.

“These games will remain for history, because where many saw difficulties, we saw opportunities”, considered the also Ad Honorem president of the National Sports Institute of El Salvador (Indes).

He thanked the collaborators and workers who worked long hours for the assembly of San Salvador 2023.

The XXIV Central American and Caribbean Games, San Salvador 2023, will be held in the Dominican Republic, which hosted seven sports disciplines.
