Mexico beats Canada in the Pan American Cup

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic, June 27, 2024.- Mexico beated the Canadian team 3-1 (25-21, 25-14, 20-25, 26-24) to achieve its first victory in the Women´s Final Six Volleyball Pan American Cup that is being played at the “Ricardo Arias” National Volleyball Pavilion.

The best offensive players for Mexico were Uxue Guereca with 16 points, Sofía Maldonado added 14 and Marian Ovalle another 11. For the Canadians Emoni Busch and Madyson Saris scored 20 and 16 points respectively.

Mexico dominated Canada in attacks 52-45 and in serves 13-7, while Canada was better in blocks 7-1.


Jocelyn Urías, captain of Mexico: The truth is we knew it was not going to be an easy game, we couldn’t go in at all weak, I feel like we started well only in the third set, maybe we slowed down a little bit and lost that one because the Canadians pushed and we have to learn from it so that the same thing doesn’t happen to us in the next game.

Averie Allard, captain of Canada: I think we started playing well, we have trained very hard, we executed our game plan very well but it is a game of intensity so I think a lot of us need to have more momentum as the game goes on moving forward to overcome bad moments in the match, we came prepared to play a long game which did not go as we expected but I think that tomorrow we will come back stronger and we will learn from this.

Dominican Republic gets off with a good start in the Pan American Cup

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic, June 26, 2024.- The Dominican Republic team dominated the Cuban team 3-0 (25-22, 25-14, 25-18), to begin their participation undefeated in the Final Six Pan American Cup of Women’s Volleyball that takes place in the “Ricardo Arias” Volleyball Pavilion.

After a very disputed first set, the Dominicans led by Brayelin Martínez and Alondra Tapia with 13 and 11 points respectively, easily dominated the Cubans who had their captain Laura Suarez as the best scorer with 8 points, while Ivy Vila added 7.

Bethania de la Cruz DOM

In attacks both teams were equal with 39, while the Dominican was better in blocks, beating Cuba 7-3.

Marcos Kwiek, coach of the Dominican Republic: It was the first game of the tournament in which one is always more nervous but I think the girls did excellent, they worked well, we managed to establish our rhythm of play, we started strong and we did not lose concentration, that is the most important.

Leivis García, coach of Cuba: As always, you cannot give balls to the Dominican, you cannot make many mistakes, and regardless of the third touches or the balls that you cross to your court without any strong point intention, they recover it and turn it into point I think it was basically more delivery than errors.

Coaches comment on their teams in the Final Six Women’s Cup

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic, June 25, 2024.- This Tuesday the preliminary meeting of the Women’s Final Six Tournament was held and during it the coaches of the six participating teams commented on their expectations for the event.

Leivis García, coach of Cuba:

In this specific tournament we made some modifications to the roster and now we have a greater interrelation between experience and youth, we bring girls from a new cycle in projection for the next four years and we see a well-focused team where motivation is the greatest success that they have had until now.

Brad Rostratter, United States coach:

We bring a young and promising team, it is a group of athletes that will hopefully represent the United States with dignity in the future and I am excited that this group of girls will have their first experience in a senior competition.

Juan Carlos Núñez, Puerto Rico coach:

We are going to take the tournament very seriously in the sense that it will be the preamble to next week in which we have to go to the Philippines to try to qualify for the Nations League next year, we have just played a tournament in Puerto Rico to try to pick up the pace again with the young group we have for this tournament.

Marcos Kwiek, coach of the Dominican Republic:

We have just arrived from a difficult trip but we have very high expectations because it is the tournament prior to the Olympic Games so we have to try a few players, give them the opportunity to win their position and obviously we are at home so we are going to fight for a medal.

Nicola Negro, coach of Mexico:

 Expectations to continue our preparation in this season, which is a transition because we have not had major events and we want to guarantee our participation in the 2025 World Cup. In this tournament, the first two games do not count for us in the ranking, but we hope to be able to reach the semifinals. and have the chance to play games that give us points and thus guarantee that participation.

Carolyn O’Dwyer, Canada coach:

 Our expectations are high since although we brought a young team there are many players who have already participated before so we hope to fight for medals and demonstrate the talent that is rising in Canada.

Round Robin Schedule:

June 26, 2024

17:00 United States vs Mexico

19:00 Dominican Republic vs Cuba

June 27, 2024

17:00 Canada vs Mexico

19:00 Puerto Rico vs Cuba

June 28, 2024

17:00 United States vs Canada

19:00 Dominican Republic vs Puerto Rico
